Meditate without distractions
A Daily Date to Meditate
The best thing about meditation is that you can do it anywhere and you don’t have to spend hours to see results. Even 10 minutes a day is good for health benefits. That’s why I promised myself I’d devote some time every day to meditation.
Where do I start?
Can you easily find a place with no distractions, get comfortable, and play soothing music? That part wasn’t too hard for me.
Now, what do I do?
Start with some simple stretches. Breath in and breath out slowly, calm your heart rate and focus your mind.
Wandering Minds
If you are new to meditation, you will find that your mind wanders. Each time you feel it pull away, focus on your breathing. Imagine a broom in your head sweeping away all distractions. The chatter in your head will fall away.
Guided Meditation
I really like guided mediation where a calm voice takes you step by step telling you what to do. Some even come with peaceful music. Look online and find one you like. There are so many styles of meditation. I talk about some of them in the book Soothe.
Most important is to just set the time aside for yourself. Don’t worry about getting it wrong. The important thing is to be “in the moment” and do the best you can.
Need more ways meditate and find calm amid everyday chaos?
Jim Brickman’s Soothe has ideas and music to help you de-stress.
Need some help getting started? Try watching this special meditation video created to the song “Fly” off of my album Soothe. The artwork throughout the movie was provided by the organization Healing Through the Arts.