Happy Birthday to youuuuu…
Joan Brady, IL
Terri-Lynn Brazie, WA
Charlotte Buschur, OH
Fleta Butler, TX
Alexander Cardin, NH
Kenneth Chin, FL
Teresa Cone, OR
Amy Conrad, OK
Lydia Couture-Comtois, Calgary
Bradley Douglas, MO
Anne Elmberg, MN
Sherri Farris, OH
Sandee Feyereisen, TX
Roxanne Fiatoa, CA
Amanda Ford, AL
Rick Fox, TN
Marsha Frank, MI
Catherine Gorsuch, MD
Sandy Gunn, SC
Mae Dean Hahn, TX
Darleen Hopper, IN
Wendy Jennings, TX
Joellyn Key, WI
Deborah Krahn, WI
Suzanne Lowe, WV
Lisa Massa, FL

Happy December Birthday
Darren Morgan, ME
Natalie Muilenburg, AZ
Melissa Oliver, TN
Dawn Olson, MN
Joann Pawletko-Mathews, OH
Aubrey Peel, FL
Carolyn Peters, MD
Carolyn Pratt, OH
John Raymonds, NJ
Judy Sadkin, AZ
Frank Sanders, WY
Leanne Seidelman, WA
Elliott Silverstein, ON
Jon Smith, NE
Deven Spurgeon, TN
Diane Timmons, KS
Eileen Valenzuela, CA
Denise White,Β AZ
Don Winslow, SC
Judy Wynstra, WI
Happy Birthday to all the October Brickheads! Have a fun filled wonderful month! Hugsss βΊππβΊππβΊππ
Happy Birthday from Louisiana!!! I was blessed to celebrate 54 years in September. Wishing you blessings in the coming year!!!
Happy Birthday to you too, Jim.
i noticed my name was not on the november birthdays!!
Opps… just added
Thank you!! π